WK3: Ready To Build A Game
Team Progress We were able to make a lot of progress this week in terms of really understanding what our game is about and how it will...

Week 3 Team Assessment
Our group met up prior to lecture of week 3 to finalize our game. During this meeting, we discussed our art style - something we had not...

The Word of the Day is: Iteration.
Consistency is often the key to success, achieving your goals and seeing results. In the case of this project, our consistency in...

Summary: For this week, we continued the GDD on Sunday the 22th around 3pm without meeting in person. During the process, we finalized...

GDD and Art-Style
Team Summary: Our team did not formally meet in person this week. Instead, we did most of our collaborations through online documents and...

Summary: For this week, we had the meeting on Wednesday the 18th from 11:30am. Before this meeting, we were assigned to come up with...

My POV - Iterating Iterations
Team Summary: Our team had a meeting to change our game based on the feedback from the greenlight presentations. Our game received a...

WK2: Improving A Game
Team Progress Our team was able to meet up and talk about the direction of our game. With the critique we received in mind, we went over...

Week 2 Team Assessment
After we had gone through the greenlight review, we were able to refine our game based on the feedback that we received. Prior to our...

Iteration, Iteration, Iteration...
This week the team focused on analyzing the feedback we got during our green light review and incorporating it in meaningfully while also...