Concept Art, Level Design & Animation
Team Summary: For this week, we tried to tackle multiple components of our game to properly start our Alpha Code. We were in a Facebook...

Summary: The team have finally set with the art style. The art style has been simplified, the amount of time spend on one panel is very...

WK7: Build Up To Level 1
Team Progress Our team began breaking down the features of our game this week, from the mechanics to the aesthetics and narrative, to...

Week 7 Team Assessment
Prior to meeting up this week, we created a document online to outline and organize our ideas for level 1. This document includes our...

Like Peanut Butter and Jam; Level and Design
Bonnie had Clyde, peanut butter has jam, and our level has design. The team worked together on designing our first level as it would be...

Leveling Up With Level Design
After a great prototype presentation and demonstration the team got together and discussed some of the feedback we received from the...

Summary: We did not have any meeting for this week, but before we went on the reading break, we agreed to modify the visual assets of the...

Week 6 Team Assessment
This week, our team focused on redefining the visuals of our game. Therefore, not a lot of progress was made for the actual alpha code...

WK6: Changing Visuals
Team Progress Progress was slow this week; our team had been catching up with other classes and taking a breather after the continuous...

Art Style Experimentation
Team Summary: For this week, the team was fairly not active. Because it is reading break we wanted to be productive but relax at the same...