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Iteration, Iteration, Iteration...

This week the team focused on analyzing the feedback we got during our green light review and incorporating it in meaningfully while also modifying/adding features. Iteration was the mantra of the week, the team memorized, utilized and was mesmerized by the word. Good times in the maritimes.

We - as a team of course because their is no "I" in team, a concept I come to better understand every day - initially started our iteration journey by looking at the feedback we received and seeing how we can (or if we feel we want/need to) incorporate it. We noticed that a lot of the feedback was in regards to how our game was similar to existing 2D platformers such as Limbo and Monochroma. Brainstorming was the name of the game - a game we're definitely winning - as we sat down together to ideate further on new features or how we could modify existing ones. I don't want to spoil anything with this assessment, so I won't delve into what we changed or modified, but rest assured its going to take the cake.

My personal contributions include an image that helped to clarify certain mechanics. My team was confused as to my verbal explanations, for my vernacular simply fled my grasp, so I created a small graphic, that allowed my team to quickly grasp my explanation. Aside from ideating mechanics, I also bounced ideas off of my group mates which in turn helped me ideate further. This back and forth was incredibly beneficial for us as it eventually led to the creation of what will be additional mechanics we'll present during our game critique.

A photo realistic interoperation of our game.

For me personally, the biggest pitfall will be trying too hard to be unique from other games similar in genre and primary mechanics. I feel like our game is amazing, yep. Secondly, we will definitely have to nail an art style down that will help to differentiate our game, add to the atmosphere and be sustainable to do throughout the game creation processes. We have time, however we have a deadline of 4 months max.

Placeholder Games

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