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Week 3 Team Assessment

Our group met up prior to lecture of week 3 to finalize our game. During this meeting, we discussed our art style - something we had not decided on the previous week. We also managed to flesh out our characters - establishing visual descriptions, backstories, motivations, abilities, and limitations. On top of this, we talked about the general layout of our game world in terms of how the different maps will potentially transition between one another as the player progresses through the narrative. All these discussion points were recorded in a shared document where all members were able to contribute.

After the meeting, we continued to deliberate on different aspects of the game and implement new ideas into our overall concept to result in a more compelling and fun experience for our players. Specifically, we were able to fix the logic behind events in our game, rewrite our story to improve the narrative flow, and add an exciting new mechanic that enhances strategic gameplay. We also decided on implementing an inventory mode that players will be able to access during safe situations and we discussed our game's HUD system as well as the role sound will play in our game. We were able to solidify these new ideas into our game design document, where our team's concept art and sketches from this week were included.

Now that we have established our art style, we will build the necessary assets and begin coding core mechanics in Unity. We will also conduct research on the more complicated functions of our game so that we can see whether or not what we plan to do is feasible. Otherwise, we will have time to quickly explore alternative ideas and have our current game adapt from there.

Placeholder Games

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