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GDD and Art-Style

Team Summary:

Our team did not formally meet in person this week. Instead, we did most of our collaborations through online documents and voice calls. We finished our GDD and decided on a Tim Burton art-style. We integrated his art-style towards our main character and environment. We also finalized our character design, however we still need a finalized environment look and monster visualization for level designing eventually.

My Contributions:

I practiced drawing the characters without outlines for better assets. In terms of art-style, I suggested having a Tim Burton art-style, which the team voted to use for Dark Ages. I composed multiple illustrations for our main character, Solis. I tried designing different faces and body-type. To integrate the desired art-style, I decided to use big eyes with small pupils, enlarged head and overly line-detailed hair. The coloured and textured images are the finalized design for Solis. We are still deciding on a colour scheme, but we had a general consensus of having a bleak under-toned colour palette. Further contributions involved some sketches of different poses and possible animation key-frames for Solis’ cloaking, jumping and throwing. As well as, one illustration for the environment and concepts for the monsters.

My Reflection:

Overall, our team was able to finish the GDD just on time. We managed to do this without meeting in person which proves that physical team meetings are not always necessary to finish a task. This method can save time because transiting to meet can waste time. However, this also depreciates our sense of urgency because we are not driven by the physical presence amongst the team. Our GDD was handed-in with a messy layout due to technical issues and lack of time for fixing. To solve this next week, we should begin working on our game (programming and asset making) earlier and together in person.


Placeholder Games

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