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WK13: The Finale

Team Progress In the season finale of Placeholder Games and their journey through Dark Ages, our team was able to create a boss fight that concludes the game that we'd spent so long making. Not a lot has changed with the previous 2 levels of our game as it did not seem that we had enough time to focus on level 3 as it is. Regardless, level 3 was completed as much as possible, complete with functional mechanics, sounds, and cutscenes that allow the player to finish and reach the end of the game. We were not able to playtest this new level nor conduct internal reviews, however, we trusted our lead programmer and her ability to code a fully functional level that players can complete. My Contribution I was able to return to my role of drawing assets for this last stretch of the development cycle. Although most of the work that I had to do merely involved editing previously made assets to reflect the changes we wanted to make, I also had to draw entirely new cutscenes and a map for the level 3 that we were implementing in the gold code.

Besides assets, I continued to provide the team with sounds and music that could be used in the game, especially since a new level was being integrated. Lastly, as usual, I helped look over our final game design document prior to its submission. Reflection Although I've always had absolute faith in my team members and their ability to handle the work that they've been given, I was still amazed by what they were able to accomplish in such little time between the beta and gold code. At first, it was worrying to me that we were going to try to implement a fully functioning boss fight with new mechanics and animations in less than a week, but by golly did the team manage to actually pull it off though! Despite the setbacks we've encountered and the features that we weren't able to complete, I feel very proud to have worked with such a fun and talented group of people. Each of them have made the long and arduous process bearable and worth experiencing and I would gladly continue going through the Dark Ages with them, especially after learning all that we have about making games and working as a team.

Placeholder Games

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