WK13: The Finale
Team Progress In the season finale of Placeholder Games and their journey through Dark Ages, our team was able to create a boss fight...

WK12: Beta Code
Team Progress Most of the progress this week revolved around finishing what we can and must have for the beta code milestone. On that...

WK11: Level 2
Team Progress The design for level 2 was completed this week and the team is now in the process of implementing all its features for...

WK10: Approaching The End
Team Progress This week was centered around approaching level 2 and 3 with caution, carefully considering the drawbacks and...

WK9: Alpha Code
Team Progress Our team worked intensely this week to finish the Alpha Code that was due. Luckily, we weren't starting from scratch as a...

WK8: Completing Level 1
Team Progress Our team managed to accomplish a lot this week for our 2nd prototype's level 1, however, a lot of work still needs to be...

WK7: Build Up To Level 1
Team Progress Our team began breaking down the features of our game this week, from the mechanics to the aesthetics and narrative, to...

WK6: Changing Visuals
Team Progress Progress was slow this week; our team had been catching up with other classes and taking a breather after the continuous...

WK5: First Prototype
Team Progress Our first prototype was developed this week using Unity. The prototype so far includes mechanics for movement and basic...

WK4: Coding & Designing
Team Progress Our team met up and reflected on the suggestions we were given during the GDD presentation last week. With that, we made...