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WK8: Completing Level 1

Team Progress Our team managed to accomplish a lot this week for our 2nd prototype's level 1, however, a lot of work still needs to be done for the milestone. Early on this week, we were able to establish everything we were going to do with the first level (i.e. map, gameplay, pacing, narrative, interactions, and used mechanics) and start implementing these plans. Aside from our primary mechanics like movement, other mechanics and functionalities such as tossing/aiming and a dynamic camera system have been coded, although some game features such as a newly introduced pushing/pulling mechanic still need refinement. On the visual side, both character animation sprites and environment assets are also still in the process of being completed for the Alpha Code, however, a lot of it is being done at a good rate. An outline for level 2 is already in the works and the team hopes to start working on it as soon as possible. My Contribution

Throughout the week, I worked intensely on creating finalized environment assets adopting the revised visual style our team decided on earlier. Unlike with the first prototype, I drew separate object assets that can be reused repeatedly throughout the map to speed up the process of creating the setups players will encounter. In the process of developing the environments, I took into account the animations we intend to include as well as the type and pace of gameplay that will be featured in this introductory level. I will continue to work on the milestone by finishing all the assets we'll need as well as gathering sound effects and preparing the visuals required for the intended UI and interactions.

Reflection We had a very productive week, especially relative to the previous weeks that we've spent just planning out our game's features. However, there is still a lot to be done before the milestone is due. I am confident in my team members' proficiency in completing their designated tasks, but I believe the workload is a primary concern this week. Our best solution is to keep working on our prototype as much as we can and to coordinate our efforts as efficiently as possible.

Placeholder Games

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