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Level 1, 2, 3 Development and Resolution

Team Summary:

For this week, we were improving level one based on feedbacks. Moreover, we were also planning the content for level two and three as well as begin to create the assets for these two levels. Level two is almost complete in terms of assets. Level two is currently under progresses for code and implementation of all finished assets. Animation is still absent but will be implemented for the beta code next week. Level three has no assets insofar, however we have decided it to be our final level for our game and it will contain a boss monster. In terms of the logistics, patterns and actions of the boss and how Solis will defeat the boss, is complete.

My Contributions:

While the team was busy improving level one, I was planning the obstacles and content for level two. I had some ideas from last week, however after discussing with Serkan about where we should focus in our game, we decided to decrease the content of level two and focus on creating one solid puzzle that integrates the narrative of the game. Because Averi knows more about the narrative and is creating the environment assets, I had help from her to ideate and polish the content for level two with integration of the narrative. Planning level two for her also gave her an idea of the scope and scale of the map, therefore decreasing time in overall environmental asset production. Additionally, I created the hurt asset for Solis, which indicates health reduction for Solis, as well as represents the amount of health Solis has upon contact with Sights’ laser sight. Because I am in-charge of the animations, I created the Sights for level two (Screamer at the top and Sleeper in the middle). The Screamer is planned to be animated in terms of shaking mouth and vibrating tentacles, however it is not implemented yet. The Sleeper will have two eyelids prefabs that will be coded to move up or down depending on the eyelid, and will reveal the eyeball that causes a massive laser upon the entire map.

My Reflection:

After meeting with the team and discussing all the issues of the game with ourselves and Serkan, it provided us motivation as well as some insight about changing our perspective of our game. For weeks, I always thought we were going into the wrong direction where we focused on the aesthetics rather than actual gameplay. However, now I see that the aesthetics is our strongest component, as well as our ambiance, narrative and emotional appeal of a thriller/horror game. Because of this discussion it provided me and the team a new perspective on our game, a single direction/goal and motivation.


Placeholder Games

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