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The Programmers and The Asset Makers

Team Summary:

For this week we decided to meet-up in person and work together on the final project. Overall, the team collaborated on ideas, level design and mechanics clarification. However, we worked in mini-groups to even out the workload and focus on specific aspects of the project. Eva and Fahad worked on setting up the unity project in BitBucket and researched on how to code specific mechanics. While Averi and I were level designing the prototype, sketching assets, and working on character and environment looks. We also tried fleshing-out the GUI on how instructions to the player is given, while still being minimalistic with our GUI.

My Contributions:

In this week, I focused on practicing and creating assets. Initially, I created more sketches of Solis to practice drawing him to prepare myself for creating the animated assets later on. I plan to draw Solis, frame-by-frame to create the sprite animations for Unity. The sketches also has an updated version of our current Solis, which now has a candle to hold. I also iterated the candle holder and candle itself, and how Solis will carry the candle (the check-marked one is the most popular within the group). Based on the feedback from last lab, Solis looked too healthy to be in a post-apocalyptic setting, and it doesn’t match the ambiance. The sketches I made tried to show different iterations of Solis looking malnourished and deprived of sleep. The popular vote was the original design (round-faced) with small contours on the cheeks, dark circles and eye-bags (top-right face of the sketches with six iterations of Solis’ head). I also created a coloured vector of the blue-sketches I made last week. I have added a climbing look for Solis as well.

My Reflection:

Overall, the team was quite productive this week. I find that it was a nice workflow to have half of the team to work on the code, while the other half works on assets and level content. Because we met in person this week, it was easier to be productive in-front of each other because everyone can discuss, point at images, and research together to show examples or idea clarification. My main concern is using BitBucket, because there seems to be an issue with the code when two people are involved with the code. This is a critical issue because the entire team must be able to access and edit the code with ease, especially later on, when there I even more coding. We plan to fix this by asking our TA, Serkan, for BitBucket clarification either through email or our planned meeting.


Placeholder Games

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