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My POV - Proposing our game

Team Summary:

Our group had our first team meeting on January 8, 2017. We began working around 10:50 am. We ideated concepts and explored other indie games such as Limbo (2010), Neverending Nightmares (2014), Fran Bow (2015), and A Silent Age (2010). We dabbled on the idea with games in the genre of adventure, fantasy and horror. We also looked at settings, story and theme that ties into the game concept and mechanic. We decided on a post-apocalyptic horror game with dark eyeing monsters.

My Contributions:

I helped conceptualize the game from scratch. I suggested to inspire from Limbo for its aesthetics and gameplay, to inspire from Fran Bow for its dimensional interplay, to inspire from Neverending Nightmares for gore and horror. I contributed to the Proposal report document by helping assign roles, initial storyline, suggesting new paths for the story and mechanic such as the alternative game designs: collectable candles, will-o-wisp companion and exploring blind. I created concept art for characters, NPCs, enemies and the game world/environment. I designed and created the presentation slides for the proposal. I scanned documents made in the meeting (see team journal).

My Reflection:

Overall, the problems we faced were mundane and as to be expected in the ideation stage. We had no problem creating new ideas and concepts from thoughts or inspiration from other games. However, when we take into consideration of feasibility and originality, we lacked luster. We had a hard time keeping ideas and we constantly iterated and discarded new ideas. We tried to be idealistic and realistic with our ideas. We had to create games with our only resources: laptops and limited coding skills. In the upcoming week, these will be solved by the greenlight. The feedback will tell us whether further iteration and research is required for our game.


Placeholder Games

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