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Week 11 Team Assessment

For this week, we focused solely on developing level 2 and integrating a bit more narrative into level 1 to improve overall gameplay. Earlier on, our lead programmer was able to code a lot of the missing features from the alpha code such as animating Sight vision and notifying the player of a new journal entry when a collectible is picked up. She also fixed some bugs that we had from level 1 such as ladder glitches and accidentally attaching to cliff edge surfaces when the player is supposed to be falling. She is now in the process of coding features and interactions for level 2, which will hopefully be as complete as possible by the time the beta code is due. As for level 2, a map filled with more object interactions and environmental obstacles was planned out in order to compensate for the uninteresting level 1 that we've been struggling to fix. Level 2 will consist of the intended tossing mechanic that we have not had the chance to implement for previous milestones and an encounter with the second enemy type of the game (i.e. Screamers). The terrain for level 2 will also include more gaps and constraints, which will hopefully challenge the player more as they navigate and explore. With regards to visuals, the environment artist was able to draw out the level 2 map based on what was planned for the level's gameplay. Subsequently, our character artist is now in the process of animating the enemies that the player will encounter for the second level. The design document and diagrams necessary for the deliverable is also underway as we progress through the completion of the beta code. Playtesting sessions will take place near the end of the upcoming week when the code is as complete as it can be prior to the due date.

Placeholder Games

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