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The team continued from last week with the level design. We finished the details for level one layout, where we introduce the general movements and the watcher. We also generally talked about how level one is transferred into level two. On the weekend, we discussed about rewards we could bring in. The visual artist Jameson and Averi went on to do the environment and the assets for character animations. Fahad, the coder was assigned to add the code he completed for tossing, camera zoom in and out, push and pulling, into the first playable code I did. We also meet today to see how things are going, and making some clarifications.


Individually I didn’t do much for this week. I spent most of my time catching up on my other courses. For level design, I gave some suggestion to keep it feasible to complete in limited time with assets and code. The important thing is that we are able to complete a game with interesting gameplay, so I kept mentioning about time spend for making assets and leaving enough time to code. I also get the artist about what ii prefer for the assets. For the environment assets, I implied that the empty area for the player to walk is too long, so I asked Averi to cut down the length of the assets. Today I helped Fahd to fix the code for picking up object to enable tossing. So if Fahad need more help for other code, I will carry on to help him. Just for the rest of the time left for alpha code, I will start to implement the assets as soon as they come out.


Level one might be boring for the player right now with some introduction of movement and the watcher, but the future levels will become more and more difficult. And we will try extremely hard to make it work. For the reward, we are stilling thinking about what kind of reward could be add it, so if we can’t figure out before the weekend, we will leave it for now. As for the animation, we only need walking, jumping and climbing for level one. It will be good if we space out the work load. For the infinity laser ray Fahad is trying to figure out, if he can’t get it to work by Friday night, we are leaving it out, and we are going to use my way (sorry). The visual artist should also finishes all the assets by Friday night at least, so I could have the weekend to implement everything. And we can have two days left for player testing. If we finish player testing earlier, and if I have more time, I will modify the code based on play tests feedbacks. Or else, I will change the code after the submission.

(I feel like I am going nuts......anyways, rest in peace!)

Placeholder Games

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